
Brewing with an Aeropress Go gives those with a particularly active lifestyle everything they need to brew a bold, superb cup of coffee anywhere they want. This lightweight, portable method is capable of brewing a wide range of energizing beverages.

What You’ll Need




350 micro-filters

Hot Filtered Water

Stirrer & Scoop

Step by Step

  1.  Weigh your coffee out anywhere from 10-15 grams (how many scoops does this equate to?)

  2. Grind your coffee as fine as table salt

  3. Invert AeroPress and place on the scale

  4. Wet filter to remove any papery taste

  5. Add desired amount of coffee to AeroPress (we suggest 10-15 grams)

  6. In a circular motion, add equal parts water to the coffee

  7. Wait 20 seconds or until bubbling ceases

  8. Fill the rest of the AeroPress with hot water

  9. Stir and set a timer for one minute

  10. Screw on filter attachment

  11. Flip on top of mug and press down smoothly