Costa Rica Santa Maria De Dota

from $19.00

One of our favorite coffees here at Backporch with a feel-good perk: we are partnering with Central Oregon LandWatch for this blend, donating $2/bag to help protect and defend Central Oregon's liveable future. 

This coffee staple at Backporch is sweet, winey, chocolatey, and citrusy. It is processed at the Rio Tarrazu mill, which is a mill where all of our Costa Rican coffees are processed and probably one of the most technologically advanced and environmentally responsible mills we’ve seen.

You can feel good knowing that your purchase supports Oregon's wildlife habitat, rural lands, waterways, and robust towns while you sip this delicious blend. Learn more at

Cupping Notes: Clean Orange Citrus, Milk Chocolate and Winey

Process: Washed

Roast (1 light - 10 dark): 4

Acidity (1 low -10 high): 4

Body (1 light - 10 big): 6

Ground or Whole Bean:
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